Leave a bequest

Deb and Tony supported our work by leaving a gift in their will.

About leaving a bequest to the Rev. Bill Crews Foundation

A bequest to The Rev. Bill Crews Foundation is a powerful way to make an enduring change for good.

Remembering The Rev. Bill Crews Foundation in your will enables you to give the homeless, hungry and those in need of a better future.

We understand you need to provide for your family and friends first. That said, we’d be incredibly grateful for any support you are able to provide us.

How to leave a bequest

Leaving a bequest to The Rev. Bill Crews Foundation is easy. Simply decide on the type of bequest you want to give and then ask your solicitor to draw up the paperwork.

1. Call us

Call +61 2 8752 4669 if you’d like more information, or click here to email us

2. Estate distribution

Decide how you want your estate distributed – who gets what

3. See your solicitor

Ask your solicitor to draw up the legal documents

Types of bequests

Most people choose one of two types of bequests. Pecuniary bequests – a specified dollar amount; or residual bequests – what’s left (or a percentage) of an estate after payment of other gifts, taxes and debts.

However, it is important that you consider your own family first, and it is preferable to discuss your intentions with them.

Suggested wording for bequests

“I give ____-percent of my estate / $____ (insert or delete as applicable) free of any duties, taxes, charges and testamentary expenses, to Bill Crews Pty Limited as Trustee for The Bill Crews Charitable Trust ABN 74 622 585 856.

It is to be used for the general purposes and activities of the Bill Crews Charitable Trust, provided that should that work or activity of the Bill Crews Charitable Trust have ceased prior to my death or thereafter cease, the said sum shall be used in such other manner for charitable purposes as Bill Crews Pty Limited as Trustee for the Bill Crews Charitable Trust determines.

I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other appropriate officer of such body shall be a sufficient discharge to my executor.”

Still got questions?

We understand that deciding upon a bequest can raise questions: How much should I give? Will it make a difference? How will it be used? Can my family be taken care of first?

We’re happy to discuss any concerns and answer you questions. Please call us today on +61 2 8752 4670, or email fundraising@billcrews.org.