My Foundation is preparing for our biggest Christmas ever. Indeed, we’re expecting so many hungry Sydneysiders that my team are already stocking vast quantities of food, preparing thousands of Christmas hampers and packing toys for kids who’d otherwise go without.
Even today people were streaming through the door, humbly asking for help. These Sydneysiders are facing a perfect storm of high grocery prices and sky-rocketing power bills, not to mention eye-watering rent increases. Needless to say, it doesn’t augur well for Christmas.
As I reflect on the year that’s been, it’s fair to say things have changed for my Foundation. Today we do so much more than just care for the homeless. Now, we feed the hungry too; hungry children, hungry pensioners, hungry women left destitute after divorce, even hungry people in desperately low paying jobs.
Give the gift of more hot meals
One of those people is David. He’s got a young daughter and a wife who’s really sick. He works, but they struggle to get by. "I never thought this would be happening to me. I often saw all those poor souls lining up for a meal, never thinking one day I would be with them”, he said. With your support we’ll give David and his lovely family a joyous Christmas.
As a matter of fact, Christmas Day at my Foundation will be extra special this year. That’s largely because so many people like David will be there – people who’ve never needed us before. They are innocent victims of a brutal economic environment. As Christmas approaches they are facing difficult decisions about putting food on the table or paying the rent; between trying to fill Christmas stockings or keeping the electricity on. Imagine those were the festive decisions facing your family.
That was the reality facing Jesse and her two children, one of whom has disabilities. She initially approached us for food, her pride disguising the dire situation they really faced. However, we soon learned the family were alone and struggling. In fact they were on the verge of homelessness this Christmas.
Thanks to the support of people just like you, we were able to help. My team found them the accommodation they so desperately needed and we’ve lent a hand with her daughters medical support. On Christmas Day Jesse’s family will also enjoy one of our Christmas hampers with ham, pudding and treats. Not to mention presents for the kids.
The homeless remain at the heart of our Christmas celebrations. Allan is one of them; he’s a lovely bloke who I’ve come to know well. In a kinder society he might not be on the streets, but thankfully people like you enable us to ease his burden. We give him a nutritious meal and he gets himself clean in the hot showers we provide. The other day he looked me in the eye and said, “Your Foundation is the only safe place I know”. It moved me to tears.
Every day we feed and care for an increasing number of people like Allan, Jesse and David. Just today 1,600 meals were served to hungry Sydneysiders from 17 different locations. During the festive season that number is sure to grow. On Christmas Day our volunteers will serve thousands of meals to people who’d otherwise miss out.
Be part of our Christmas miracle
Thanks to you it can be a day of hope and joy; the sorts of emotions that are a luxury the poor can’t afford. On Christmas Day they’ll enjoy lunch with all the trimmings; ham, turkey with cranberry sauce and pudding. Not to mention Santa with donated gifts for everyone. It’s surely the most remarkable of all Christmas miracles!
Christmas at my Foundation is a ray of hope in a troubled world, but me and my team can only make it happen with your support; which is more important now than ever. That’s because we need to bring the joy of Christmas to so many who never needed help before.
So I’m asking you to dig extra deep. The more you can donate the more good we can do. The homeless can be cared for and families can enjoy the simple pleasures of Christmas – a hot meal and a kind heart. Please give so me and my team can make this Christmas special.
Merry Christmas and God Bless

Rev. Bill Crews